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Iraqi Moustache Taken from http://www.iraqimoustache.co.uk/ 'the centre for serious disinformationalists'LOOSE THREAD OR DEAD ? We communed with English Rawk Band LOOSE THREAD over a few email Oujia sessions and decided to review a few tunes of theres before they were randomly abducted by aliens - extensive email probing offers the following insights into the minds of the "threads"..... "Rehab"- cracking intro -------- we can relate to this - a song about rehab ------good guitar sound ----- great feel to this ------threatens " a twist in the tail" i think !......kinda Manics meeting a heavier Bon Jovi vibe. Good songs well played and good vocals - good turnarounds and hooks ala the Wildhearts offer a good track with a nice feel overall-- this probably would work very well in a live setting.... "Turnaround" - good riffs - straight out the Ginger Wildheart school of riffs and bands ! Not much else i can say here apart from the fact its a little like "Suckerpunch" or "Down on London" with more melody...heh...good riffing and key changes -- very kiss in places too. heh...could maybe be more aggressive vocally (use a distortion pedal on your vocals!) heh... good none the less. "You gotta turnaround" leaves me hypnobossed (Is that a word?) and i end up walking round all day singing this. Did I also mention that this song has more turnarounds than a John Lee Hookers Blues Underpants and more key changes than Peter Sutcliffes Jailer ?....So somethings working huh..? nice one son. "Insulin" - darker and quieter track from the opening two numbers. A big ballad in waiting...Not soooooooooooooooooo in love with this track (but we at the Jihabradean Peoples Front / Iraqi Moustache - Don't Dig Ballads ! Unless they are like "TENACIOUS D" or "STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN" etc... heh.....) -- Not a bad song -- well put together -- good production throughout the six songs we have heard -- some great guitar playing -- but lets rawk people ! --- Interesting vocal reverb ending though -- did you record this in a big cave or a tunnel ? heh.... :) "On My Own" - Back to rocksville. "I got a thousand hands showing me the way" ---- to rocksville perchance ?..Mid tempo - rocker - keeps the feet tapping -- definetly a Bon Jovi/early Wildhearts influence type vocal thing going on ...maybe im pished or transmuting with aliens who knows..?......um....Good bridges ("Kirk to starboard") and choruses... like an inflammatory attack of space fleet ships and things...Vocal melodies are a big thig with this band and its good to hear a band doing that rather than slipknot da da da da dum noise all thie time (which is nice occassionally - but if anywan wants to debate the merits of a Slipknot song i'll gladly psychoanalyse you -- you freak !)...back to where were we...aye..."on my own"...good track top vocals good guitar. Nuff said ? "Starmaker" - Yahoo ! - Acoostiks leanings and neat vocals with a nice melodic hook. This could probably hit the charts with its catch (add a violin or twelve ?)- good vox, good guitar, definite tapping foot syndrome is now engaged....! And what is a singer spring ? I like the sound of that -- some kindoff spring to eject singers who are guff ? Or Am i mishearing and misinterpreting lyrics ?..who knows all may be revealed soon...ish...um.... "Holdin On" - Um acoostic, acoostic acooostic, ballad. No please bring back the Les Pauls and fenderblasters. To be honest this ain't my cup of "cha" - but I can appreciate this cos its a good song with good acoustic playing and great vocals (something only certain individuals can do). Not a bad E.P. of six songs at all --- keep it rawkin, keep it shakin, keep us humming these tunes and one day we may see you perform in the Jihabradean Nation or indeed iraq ? Cheers lads and good E.P. Overall Verdict (We don't have "K's" here so we shall have "J's" for Jihabradean Awareness Scoring System) : Iraqi Moustache "J's" : 7/10 / JohntheBapfish@hotmail.com